Monday, November 25, 2013

Procession of Ashura e Hussaini 1435 H. in Kargil 15 11 2013

1Procession of Ashura e Hussaini taken out in Kargil under the banner of Anjuman Jamiatul Ulama Madrasa Asna Asharia Islamia School Kargil in which 23 to 25 Processions from various villages and from the town area of kargil participated . Processions were started entered the main bazar at 10.30 am in the morning and passing trough main bazar Kargil , at 12 noon processions started entered in the premises of Islamia School Kargil and about 4.30 pm Ashura e Hussaini conclude at Inqilab Manzil (Qatilgha e Hussaini). Hojjatul Islam Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi threw a light on the philosophy of Ashura and delivered a brief Masayib after that Ziyarat e Ashura performed by the Vice President of Islamia School Kargil Hojjatul islam Sayed Jamal ud deen and in the end G.secretory of Jamiatul Ulama Asna Asharia Islamia School Kargil Hojjatul Islam Sheikh Mohammad Toha thanked the District Administration , Red Cross Society , Health Department and the concerned departments for their cooperation on the day of Ashura..L

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